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Wise words from Nuns
![Buddhist. Nonne sitzend[363] Buddhist. Nonne sitzend[363]](
Ayya Phalanyani
“Observe the breath whenever possible, every moment for it is strengthening concentration. Also breath is the clostest teacher of anatta one can find.”

Ayya Tathaaloka Mahatheri
“Be mindful of the mind and mindstates – this leads to understanding and liberation.”
![Buddhist. Nonne sitzend[363] Buddhist. Nonne sitzend[363]](
Ayya Phalanyani
“Resolve often: From this time and place (meaning the now and the place where you’re at at that time) will not come any harm, will not come any evil. This is where peace starts.”

Shi Fu Simplicity
“Repentence is an important chan-buddhist practice. A practice to get to know ones mistakes and shortcomings, to understand waht happend and to let go of and never do again.”

Ayya Suvijjana
“Loving kindness begins at home”

Samaneri Maggadhira
“In order to die you have to let go of everything, because anything you cannot let go of will be a burden and will lead to another birth. Don’t hold on to anything.”