louisegrant started the topic Which keyboard shortcut is used on the Mac to undo an action? in the forum Dhamma 1 year ago
Do you want to know how to undo an action on a Mac Computer. In this post, we’ll cover how to do an undo shortcut keyboard trick on a Mac. On a Mac, you can also undo recent actions. On a Mac system, all you have to do is hit Command + Z to undo an action.
louisegrant started the topic How can the NVENC problem in OBS be fixed? in the forum Dhamma 1 year, 2 months ago
When using OBS Studio, creators may encounter the NVENC issue, which can occur for a variety of reasons. Fortunately, as we showed in our post., there are simple solutions to resolve the NVIDIA NVENC problem. First, update your graphic drivers, restart your computer, lower your resolution, enable QuickSync in the OBS Studio options, end any…Read more